ISE2019:VISSONIC New Conference-Signal Management Solution

VISSONIC invites you to visit our exhibition at H210,Hall7,Amsterdam, in Feb....

VISSONICs Exhibit in Infocomm India Exhibition 2019

VISSONIC Audio Conference Solutions exhibit in INFOCOMM taking place in India September 18-20, 2019....

VISSONIC Showcase in ISE 2020 Amsterdam

In ISE 2020 Amsterdam,VISSONIC showcase the newly developed products....

CPECC in Vietnam using Wireless Conference System

CPECC in Vietnam using Wireless Conference System...

VISSONIC-2020 Prolight-Sound Exhibition Guangzhou

ISSONIC attend Prolight-Sound exhibition in Guangzhou with New products....

Language Distribution system-UNCCD COP14, New Delhi, India

The organizer choose VISSONIC's new generation of digital IR language distribution system, the VLI series products. ...

District Administration Employs Digital Conference

The meeting rooms of the Administration in the district of Solnechnogorsk selected VISSONIC CLASSIC-D conference system....

East Europen-German forum applies VISSONIC IR language system

The East Europen-German Forum Conference room needed digital IR language distribution system in Kamchatka Peninsula, East Europe....

Presidential Conference Room employs Paperless system

In their Presidential Conference Room of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa, VISSONIC Paperless Conference System works......

Paperless Conference System in Regional Center Of Excellence

Located in the Sudan , the IBACO is the agreed Police Union of African region in African countries.On 18 Feb 2020, IBACO refreshed their Regional Center of Excellence for International Conference with...