
Streamlined Meetings: Wireless Multimedia Conference System at Spain City Council

Pájara is located in the southern region of Spain by the sea and is the largest municipality on the island. It is located on the Atlantic coast and is known for its beaches and natural beauty. Therefore, tourism is an important industry here. The Town Council wanted to improve the voting process and the efficiency of its daily meetings and to promote a better experience for residents and tourists alike.

Streamlined Meetings: Wireless Multimedia Conference System at Spain City Council

As a local government body, Pahala City Council serves the municipality and its residents. In its daily work, the most common element is voting. From the details of the town's public services to the economic development of tourism, every directive and system needs to be voted on by the will of the people. So how to make this content more convenient and efficient? This time we provide a wireless touchscreen conference solution, the CLEACON V2 series Wireless Multimedia Conference System. A clear and simple interface operation effectively improves the meeting experience.

Streamlined Meetings: Wireless Multimedia Conference System at Spain City Council

As you can see, the conference room is set up with 15 Wireless Multimedia Touch Screen Unit VIS-MAW-T, which can cater for up to 30 participants thanks to its dual-user function. The wireless design makes the desktop more tidy and avoids the tediousness of wiring and punching holes. The 4.3-inch touch screen makes the daily meeting content visible, and when voting, the voting result can be seen on the screen in real-time. Suppose the backstage is connected to a large screen or casting function. In that case, these interfaces can be used directly during the public release meeting of government affairs, simplifying the operation of the backstage staff and facilitating residents to view the results more intuitively. This will also provide a more efficient way for citizens to express their opinions and make the decision-making process more transparent. Additionally, it will reduce the risk of human error, as voting can be conducted accurately and securely.

Streamlined Meetings: Wireless Multimedia Conference System at Spain City Council

In addition, the speaking time of each representative in the meeting can also be displayed on the screen. When the microphone button is pressed, our conference system will automatically time the meeting, effectively controlling the time of the whole meeting and improving the efficiency of speeches. When multiple speakers press the microphone button, a list of speakers with their headshots, names, titles, etc. is displayed on the interface. This is very useful for meeting recorders! This feature also allows the chairman to quickly identify the speaker and move on to the next speaker. During the meeting, the chairman can also pause the meeting at any time, allowing members to exchange ideas and ask questions.

Streamlined Meetings: Wireless Multimedia Conference System at Spain City Council

After a month of use, one of the staff said, "Now our work has become more orderly because the whole system is visualized. It greatly reduces the work of backstage administrators and also improves the meeting experience of our participants. And in the process of using it, we also found that we can sign in online and record speeches, which is very useful for the backup of meeting records." This enabled us to have a more efficient workflow and better collaboration. Overall, the system was a success and was welcomed by the entire staff.