
Wifi Wireless Multimedia Conference System in The Supreme Court of Justice in Chile

The Supreme Court of Justice in Chile, asthe highest judicial body in the country, plays a critical role in upholdingthe rule of law and ensuring the proper functioning of the legal system. Aspart of their commitment to maintaining efficiency and enhancing meeting experiences, the court recognized the need to upgrade their conference equipment.

Wifi Wireless Multimedia Conference System in The Supreme Court of Justice in Chile

The court's conference room relied on wireless signals for transmission. Therefore, choosing the right wireless conference system technology became paramount tomeeting their requirements. The selected system needed to be suitable for thecourt's prestigious status and offer convenience, practicality, a wide range offeatures, easy charging capabilities, and support for cluster OTA(Over-The-Air) upgrades to facilitate future functionality updates.

Wifi Wireless Multimedia Conference System in The Supreme Court of Justice in Chile

In the current market, there are numerous wireless conference products available, but only a few brands cansimultaneously meet all the aforementioned requirements. The Supreme Court of Justice of Chile sought a solution to address their needs effectively. This is where VISSONIC offered an exceptional solution to their challenges.

Understanding the unique requirements ofthe court, VISSONIC came forward with a customized solution tailored to this project. - the CLEACON V2 series WiFi Wireless Multimedia Conference System.

Wifi Wireless Multimedia Conference System in The Supreme Court of Justice in Chile

The WiFi Wireless Multimedia Conference Unit VIS-MAW-T offers several advantages, including a sleek design, easyinstallation, and a range of features that enhance meeting interactivity.


A.   Upscale:

The wireless multimedia conferencing system products have a sleek design, featuring a 4.3-inch high-definition touch screenand a frosted skin-like material that reduces reflection and glare.

B.    Practicality:

Installation is hassle-free with no needfor wiring. Simply place the system on your desktop, and it's ready to use. VISSONIC understands that the court's conference room usage may change, so they designed the system with a wireless charging box for convenient daily chargingand storage. The microphones can be recharged without disassembly, requiringonly two simple steps. Moreover, the charging box has universal wheels, makingit easy to move the system to different meeting locations. The remaining chargingtime or power status can be easily checked through the software or web page interface.

C.   Full-featured:

In addition to the traditional microphone's sound amplification and transmission functions, the 4.3-inch touch screen significantly enhances meeting interactivity. Pre-meeting check-in, in-meetingvoting, real-time results statistics, participant photo information, and moreare all available. Our speech list not only displays the conventional name and country but also includes the speaker's headshot photo. This creates a closer and clearer meeting experience, improving overall engagement.

Wifi Wireless Multimedia Conference System in The Supreme Court of Justice in Chile

The deployment of VISSONIC's product at the Supreme Court of Chile has received great praise. After a period of use, one satisfied customer mentioned, "The desktop has a neat atmosphere, and the non-slip feet on the product were a pleasant surprise as our conference tableis smooth. Unlike other products that create a messy desktop, VIS-MAW-T solves this problem well. Additionally, we received an OTA upgrade notice on the second day of the project deployment, allowing us to customize the display's background, which greatly enhances our court's image."