
Full Digital Wired Discussion Chairman_Digital Conference System, Audio Conferencing System - VISSONIC


VISSONIC Alternative Solutions

Shure has announced the discontinuation of their Microflex® Complete Wired Digital Conferencing System (MXC) in 2021. If you have projects requested the wired conference system, ou...

What Can A Seamlessly Stitched

In terms of everyday life, seamless multi-screen video walls have been in shopping malls for a decade, but until recently, were limited to the largest high-end retailers. Today, w...

The Functions of Digital Signa

Having DSP protections in place that clean up the sound and make it more intelligible is critical. In this guide, we provide an overview of what DSP technology is and how it can im...

VISSONICs Exhibit in Infocomm

VISSONIC Audio Conference Solutions exhibit in INFOCOMM taking place in India September 18-20, 2019.